速報APP / 美食佳飲 / Guide to Unique Sweets TV Show

Guide to Unique Sweets TV Show


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版本需求:需要 iOS 7.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Guide to Unique Sweets TV Show(圖1)-速報App

Welcome to the best selling guide to the hit TV show Unique Sweets with Elizabeth Falkner. Hundreds of locations as of 8/30/2016. No other app has every location like we do.


This app has all the locations visited by Elizabeth Falkner on the show, geo-located around you wherever you are. Great for travelers looking for a good meal around the country.

We've collected all the locations for you, geo-located them, and organized them by season and state. Every venue from the show is in the app, including the closed locations or those that have changed hands and names.

Guide to Unique Sweets TV Show(圖2)-速報App

Some of the restaurants have closed over the years. We've left them in the directory, but added the word *Closed* to the name of each so you don't waste your time trying to go there.

Major features:

► All locations are sortable by distance, alphabet, season, and state:

► A Near Me map that shows the closest 25 locations to you.

Guide to Unique Sweets TV Show(圖3)-速報App

► Post your visits to your Facebook or Twitter account.

► Leave comments about why you love each location for others to see.

► Update button if you find a mistake or a closed location

► Facebook, Twitter and Yelp links for every location that has them

Guide to Unique Sweets TV Show(圖4)-速報App

If you have any problems with the app, use the support link or email us at support@golocalapps.com. We'll be happy to help you troubleshoot any issues.

Content by Ross Rojek, Alaa Shabouni, Heidi Komlofske-Rojek

(GoLocalApps has made apps for wine regions, downtown associations, restaurant chains and TV shows. Want an app for yourself or your business? Drop us a line at info@golocalapps.com

Guide to Unique Sweets TV Show(圖5)-速報App
